Development costs have to be recouped rapidly if the company is to make a profit and introduce an even newer hip next year.
My husband has a new hip, and all of this happened while I'm trying to juggle 24 balls.
However, Byron Nelson, 79, has a new hip and may be called on for duty.
At age 55, Steve got a new hip, and he's happy that he did.
She was walking very well for someone still getting used to a new hip.
And if the new hip cannot be fitted properly through the smaller incision, the doctor may have to make a larger opening anyway.
And you may have a cushion between your legs to keep your new hip in the correct position.
After all, a new hip would last only for 15 years, and I'd already lost too much bone.
Thinking about getting a new knee or a new hip next year?
No, said the Eagle, but we can give you a new hip if you like.