For its new third-generation microprocessor, it will license no more than two companies and maybe none.
Motorola executives said demand for the new microprocessor would exceed the company's production capabilities until the second half of 1991.
Others are not convinced that the additional increment in speed offered by a new microprocessor will really make their life easier.
The new microprocessors, which should work particularly well with Sun's Solaris operating system, are probably a few years from the market.
A new, more powerful microprocessor will do better than an older, less capable one.
The new 8502 microprocessor was completely backward-compatible with the C64's 6510, but could run at double the speed if desired.
He created the arcade board using new microprocessors from the United States.
Software co-processors are appearing now because of the large increase in processing speed made possible by new 32-bit microprocessors.
As is often the case with new microprocessors, the faster versions are not being produced in anticipated quantities.
The newest microprocessors can complete a billion calculations in the time it takes a person to blink.