On May 2, 1957 a new mural was added to the wall facing the entryway into the library building.
And rather than depicting various hues of political opinion, the new murals make an environmental statement.
Then, the school board advised that a new mural would be a way to promote school spirit.
A new mural was added to the project by Roe in the summer of 2010.
Each summer several new murals are added to the town's collection, which totals 57.
No new mural was created in 2006 due to an extreme drought.
Since 1983 renovation works have been carried out and some of the new murals are reportedly excellent.
The man volunteered to help with the new mural.
The company commissions new murals when a truck is replaced, which occurs about every four years.
The new mural looks as if it had been there since the Hoover Administration.