But a new pharaoh, Mernefta (Frank Langella), refuses to give up Egypt's cheap work force, arguing that besides, "your people cannot survive in freedom."
Atem says that his reign is over, and names Seto the new pharaoh.
By speeding up the burial ceremony, the new pharaoh maintained order in Egypt.
Now they are a slave nation under a new pharaoh, of a dynasty which has long forgotten Egypt's debt to Joseph (see Genesis 41).
The new pharaoh became Horus.
For this reason, Egyptologists today describe the year that a new pharaoh accessed to power as the "year of the coronation".
When he reached the environs of the palace he found himself enveloped in a dense crowd of citizens celebrating the ascension of the new pharaoh.
A new pharaoh would mean a new tomb, a new pyramid, often built in fairly close proximity to others.
His son, Zannanza, was chosen and sent to Egypt to become the new pharaoh.
At the time of Amenhotep III's accession to the throne she gained prominence as the new pharaoh's mother.