However by 1919 the Spanish military had begun looking for yet another new pistol.
Nearly all the sales are to police agencies, though the company introduced a consumer version of its newest pistol, with a shorter range, last fall.
My pop got me a new pistol, and I get to try it out this evening.
"Yet hidden in his scant luggage is one pretty new pistol completely loaded."
One of the new pistols from Spain will put a ball right through it.
"This afternoon we will try out the new pistols," he said.
So how hard can it be for them to choose a new pistol to replace the aging weapon they now carry?
After almost five years spent searching for a new pistol, the State Police have still not come up with a replacement.
The difficulty in selecting a new pistol is not for lack of trying.
Sights on the new pistol are different because of manufacturing changes.