Indeed, some analysts predict the whole industry will be turned topsy-turvy, with new powerhouses emerging.
This century is already seeing a change, as the new powerhouse of the east rise up the league table.
The new powerhouse is brick constructed on a concrete foundation.
The 1897 north bank powerhouse was demolished, and a new, concrete powerhouse built on the same location.
A new power canal was cut to bring water from Lake Victoria to the new powerhouse.
And new powerhouses are on the way while old stars begin to fade.
Miami has a new criminal powerhouse knocking at its gates.
The new powerhouse, constructed in 1964, is constructed of concrete blocks, painted white.
Few still understand how these new powerhouses could make our current cable and phone companies look like kindly mom-and-pop operations by comparison.
Automobile analysts said today that there was no guarantee an alliance of the two companies would produce a new powerhouse.