The new pragmatism is most apparent among industry executives and analysts.
But now, with sales falling and profits scarce, a new pragmatism has taken hold.
The new pragmatism involved a series of such trade-offs.
The war brought dramatic changes, molding what some depict as a new pragmatism.
Some university officials fear that students' new pragmatism is detracting from their overall collegiate experience.
The most important change, it is now clear, was the birth of a new pragmatism among the Palestinians.
That should come in time, as old perceptions give way to a new pragmatism on both sides.
He called the victories "vindication of the new progressive pragmatism brought to this state by its Democratic leadership."
But this official acknowledged a new pragmatism in the administration.
In a sign of new pragmatism, however, the union decided for the first time to avoid a strike if possible when the old contract expired.