Iran received a new quota of 3.6 million barrels a day.
In terms of actual oil production, however, the new quota did nothing, since the cartel is already producing 27.7 million barrels a day.
The new quota came into effect on 1 January.
A new quota of 22 million barrels had been agreed upon right before the invasion.
These figures fall far short of what both countries had sought as new quotas and what they have been producing.
The commission and other member states want to be certain Italian farmers will respect the new quotas after overproducing for years.
Moreover, there was general agreement that, in light of current world stocks, the new quotas were too generous.
If Brazil decided to resume cooperating, it would be lucky to get 25 percent as its new quota.
Even with the new quota, production could approach 18 million barrels, because of cheating.
This apparatus would have been replaced by the new, more restrictive quotas under the measure.