We can already see these aren't working and a new recession seems likely.
Or unless you think a new recession will have begun by Election Day.
The boom days are not coming back, but neither is a new recession on the horizon.
The economic recovery faltered as a new recession grew ever more likely.
A new recession began a year later, in July 1981, and was recognized by the committee early in 1982.
If companies were to plunge into expansion, as they did in the late 1970's, then a new recession would catch them with too much capacity.
The level suggests that the economy will either dip into a new recession soon or grow only mildly for the next few years.
Yet any official move to raise interest rates might start a new recession, given the economy's sluggishness already.
Last month, the economy lost 43,000 jobs as companies seemed to become nervous about the possibility of a new recession.
Then, a new recession began three years and three months after the first one ended.