Those actions have made more land available to new renters and sometimes to new buyers.
For this process the managing agent has requested a fee of $300 each time there is a new renter.
This applies to outside buyers and to new renters who get an option to buy.
The new renters controversially named the new bar that took its place Mo's.
The renovations generally cost about $15,000, and I charged the new renter from $30,000 to $50,000.
The financial standards that new renters must meet reflect the developers' sensitivity to the affordability issue.
Almost all the new renters of two-bedroom apartments have incomes over $180,000 a year, he said.
A majority of the new renters already live in the neighborhood, Ms. Albertson said.
For the last three years, Manhattan's new renters didn't stand a chance.
In some complexes, apartments have been reconfigured to make them more attractive to new renters.