Yet other herds are being hit hard by a new scourge - one that few would have predicted 15 years ago.
This was the first step taken by nations trying to tackle collectively this new scourge of war.
The media attention came around the same time as the first reports of another new European scourge, mad cow disease.
In such a situation, with funds drawn into new scourges, care received by ordinary citizens could be expected to deteriorate.
Summer camp directors have a new scourge, and it is not mosquitoes or impetigo.
Journalists will win awards and attract audiences by finding new scourges, real or imagined.
But we have new scourges to deal with.
No reason to be surrounded by a multimillion-dollar defense- except today, when the new scourge of the Middle East was there.
But it does not mean I want to see a new scourge unleashed on the galaxy.
But at Lake George, people are divided on whether to call them the new scourge of summer.