Looking after Lara - Lara Shaw has a new stepsister, Andrea, who is a few years older than she.
My mom had gotten married again, and I had a new stepfather and a new stepsister.
My new stepsister, Mary Anne, is the club secretary and you already know some things about her.
Hyo-sun is slightly spoiled and becomes jealous of her new stepsister.
However, Molly does find an ally in her new stepsister, Cynthia, who is about the same age as Molly.
Mary Anne, my new stepsister, and I were both leaping for it.
When he remarries, the young Culhwch rejects his stepmother's attempt to pair him with his new stepsister.
When she meets her new stepsister, Katya, she instantly becomes infatuated with her and the two soon become inseparable.
She urged me to make more of an effort with my new stepsisters.
He found Miki practicing tennis in the park and spent the rest of the day following her around, eventually finding out she was to be his new stepsister.