What sort of new tourists are the Greeks hoping to attract?
At that time, southern Florida was undergoing a land boom, and the club wanted to attract new tourists to an easily reached fishing area.
Xabbu, worried, but the little man's sim was gazing from side to side like any tourist new to the big city.
In 2009, a new tourist and information center, Gateway to the Negev, was built.
Goa is getting some of the world's newest tourists.
And then there was something no one liked to talk about - that all these new tourists generated a great deal of trash.
Think of all the new, free-spending Saudi tourists.
At the vote Shane and Mike had a yellow card because the brand new tourists despite the behaviour were immune.
There, for example, was a new little tourists' shortcut to some sight or other, cut at right angles away from the passage they were walking in.
There were new tourists under the thousand-foot plastic dome.