But surely the 896 others would yield some new traffic.
The translation table rules established in the above way are cleared after a short period without new traffic refreshing their state.
Better have the Chief of Police place a guard on all entrances to the road to keep out new traffic.
Reasoning for this is because of the lack or road development to accommodate the new heavy traffic in the area.
It is not entirely new traffic that will be coming into the mall.
To accommodate this new traffic, another bay platform was built, this time on the south side of the station.
The line will be upgraded after 2013 to accommodate new traffic once the Marmaray project is complete.
He said, however, "The issue is whether they will stimulate new traffic or act as a substitute for charter carriers."
We now need marketing to drive new traffic.
The No.7 and a light rail should be seen as compatible, not competitive, in moving all this anticipated new traffic.