In addition a new waterfront in the northwest area of the bay is planned upon their completion.
Recreational fishing piers, historic ships and public art are part of the port's plan for the new waterfront.
The River Caper is the city's newest waterfront, al fresco restaurant.
But after two solid decades of work, the new waterfront steals the show.
There are hints around the harbor of what this new waterfront might be like.
And consultants for the city continue to sketch out a new waterfront.
Pockets of gentrification have reclaimed old row houses and a new waterfront financial center has brought 10,000 jobs to the city.
They also say the complex will create a wall along the new waterfront park on the Hudson and threaten the survival of local manufacturers.
The city's new waterfront zoning regulations had gone into effect by then.
Exploring the new waterfront design area, Santos, provides a satisfying few hours.