The men, who had made their debuts in August 2012, were also accompanied by a new third unnamed wrestler.
Hanson later became a less high-profile wrestler and was given the role of putting over new wrestlers in the promotion.
By the 1980s midget wrestling was less popular in Mexico, especially since few new wrestlers had joined the division.
Teammates must tag each other's hands to switch to a new wrestler in the ring, with ten seconds to make the change.
Dixon explains: 'In the past, new wrestlers have come from wrestling families.
In the 1980s, the willingness to blade was seen as an advantage of new wrestlers.
Pushing is usually done for new wrestlers.
After the change, promoters and fans took notice of the new dynamic wrestler.
The former wrestler makes sure the new wrestlers who live there live a very strict life.
Recruitment has since picked up, with seven new wrestlers joining between the March 2008 and May 2009 tournaments.