When her son, Terry, 54, heard of his mother's new-found interest, he almost fell over with laughter, she said.
His death brought new-found interest in the book, thanks to his better selling novel "Marie".
Her father disapproved of her new-found interest and career as a model.
Teen-agers also develop a new-found interest in talking about issues and seeing them from different perspectives.
Radio and outdoor advertising are both enjoying robust growth, which industry analysts expect to continue despite advertisers' new-found interest in cyberspace.
Consequently there is a competitive spirit driving the industry's new-found interest in black film makers.
With a new-found interest and focus toward America, Brooks began traveling to California to build a career there.
The Italians, with their new-found interest in conservation, call it ecological fur.
"They are not going to be happy with the Governor's new-found interest in education," he said.
But the resort started doing so two years ago, when it reopened and noted their new-found interest.