Templeton came away from the project with a new-found passion for botany.
They feel comfortable in bed together - they've been sleeping together for years after all, and the new-found passion is lovely and exciting.
They uttered unfamiliar words, exchanging for their long-held tenderness their new-found passion.
Like so many Republican initiatives, the new-found passion for nuclear energy is the privatization of benefits and the socialization of costs.
Peter von Oy, a soccer player and martial artist, had never taken a dance lesson before his new-found passion.
Her new-found passion for automobiles was unabated the following morning.
Formerly a problem child with a penchant for getting into fist fights, Sun-woo discovers his new-found passion for learning after he befriends top student Jang-il.
And so it is probably unrealistic to expect that the people he cooks for will embrace his new-found passion with the same gusto.
Annie Bennett discovers a new-found passion for the humble fruit during a weekend in Alicante.
As Andrew's condition begins to get worse, he manages to find some solace when girlfriend Emily offers to help him indulge in his new-found passion for art.