The videos cover a variety of health issues, such as breastfeeding, malnutrition, post-natal and newborn care, and more.
What do you need for good newborn care when baby comes home?
Baby's on the way and it seems there are dozens of newborn care "must-haves" on your long list.
Midwifery is a women's profession that assists women from pregnancy to newborn care.
With better prenatal and newborn care, infant mortality rates have gradually - and at times rapidly - dwindled over much of the last century.
"I think the real beginning of all of this started with changes in newborn intensive care," said Cheryl Harris, a member of the center's board.
"This was really the first step in the development of newborn intensive care."
Insurance companies would be required to cover certain services such as hospitalization, maternity care, newborn care, chemotherapy, and pediatric care.
The clinic offers a proper newborn care for all babies being delivered at the center along with post natal care, including perineal repair.
In newborn care, 2.1 percent of cases had problems, compared with 1.6 percent at the affiliate hospitals.