The hyperthermic response was age-dependent, occurring almost exclusively in young, but not newborn, rats.
They began by damaging cells in the hippocampus of newborn rats and monkeys.
The fetal tissue grew normally and bridged the gap, they report, and each of the newborn rats was virtually completely cured.
Dr. Ruda and her colleagues injected a substance to create a sore and swollen hind foot for five to seven days in newborn rats.
Snakes in captivity are able to maintain or gain weight when fed one to two newborn rats per month.
Capsaicin destroys small sensory nerve fibres if it is injected under the skin of newborn rats.
They tested the idea by injecting newborn rats with NGF alone, capsaicin alone or both together.
A 2009 study has found that newborn rats exposed to a low-dose of BPA (10 g/kg) showed increased prostate cancer susceptibility when adults.
In a third experiment, the motor neurons of newborn rats were severed.