The Hero earns membership in the warring tribes, and leads his newfound allies into battle against the demon wizard.
Adamus concludes that he will survive the battle and meet up with his newfound allies, the Garde.
His newfound allies confirmed his own suspicion that the Commander and his fellows were able to eavesdrop on virtually any human conversation.
Wait until Ehara and his newfound allies attack us?
Mr. Chalabi's fortunes will likely rise or fall on the reliability of his newfound allies.
With the assistance of his newfound ally, Pandemonium sought to capture the Scarlet Witch.
However, all is not as it seems, as the Zedti's actions make the Resistance wonder about their newfound allies' actual motives.
Matt had a sudden sinking feeling that his newfound ally in this war between superpowers had not been as forthcoming as he would have wished.
If that's what makes him such an influential supporter of universal health care, his newfound allies in the fight aren't going to complain.
Hannibal looked for a victory of any sort to secure the confidence of his newfound allies.