He had a newfound desire to practice his religion and tried to guess the correct hours for prayers by following the changing of the guards.
He admits to being surprised at his newfound desire to play "an out-and-out villain."
In his fourth book of poems, Hass, the former poet laureate of the United States, exhibits a newfound desire for artistic self-sabotage.
Dwight additionally gets to Andy by proclaiming his newfound desire to change his application to the "vastly superior Dartmouth," which becomes the last straw for Andy.
"I've got a newfound desire, motivation I never had."
She is equally adept at describing anger toward an absent parent, the difficulty of losing a beloved pet and the awkwardness of newfound sexual desire.
And for various reasons, whether to make money or create a community, there is a newfound desire to have an audience, to feel part of a larger society.
Upon returning he had a newfound desire to explore and revitalize his own personal past along with recent Chinese history through painting.
So much for my newfound desire not to hurt him, Kerri thought when she saw the wounded expression on his face.
With the newfound desire to write a book and the fury over what these parents were doing to their children, he decided once again to change his story.