For the watching world, she smiled and laughed, seeming perfectly delighted with her husband and newfound status.
With fatal innocence, they celebrate their newfound status as a republic free at last of demeaning colonial ties.
Ms. Jordan made no statement following the trial, but her newfound status as a public figure expressed itself in other ways.
Fueling a modest recovery, is Jericho's newfound status as an "open city" under direct Palestinian control.
The city's newfound status as the capital of a deeply secular, totalitarian nation, made religiously significant buildings especially vulnerable to demolition.
After the federal announcement on Thursday, state officials immediately vowed to file an appeal of the Schaghticokes' newfound status within the next 90 days.
And despite his newfound professional status, Tod lives among the underclass.
By late 1997, Rossiter in particular had gained some press attention in his newfound status as a minor celebrity.
With his newfound status, Sukmo is able to approach Hanum and they begin seeing each other.
With Houston's newfound financial status, nothing less than his best at all times will be expected.