For Mexico, after so long seeming immutable and quiet, now is likely to be not only turbulent but newly assertive.
Then came 9/11 - and a newly assertive George W. Bush.
He called the Senate's newly assertive role in the judicial confirmation process "a turning point in Senate history."
The dispute escalated into a test of wills between Washington and a newly assertive Bonn.
Now, about the name of the newly assertive coiner.
Along the frontier, formerly autonomous societies reacted aggressively to a newly assertive central government.
Emperor Komei as asked for his counsel in deciding how to deal with newly assertive foreign powers.
But without an agreement on agriculture, newly assertive developing countries like Brazil are in no mood to negotiate about industrial goods or services.
Beyond oversight, a newly assertive Congress would also have to create ways to sanction the president if laws were violated.
Some current and former prosecutors have been stunned by the newly assertive approach to the most controversial issue in the criminal justice system.