In the first act, Torvald called her a squirrel and a bird; now she paces like an animal that's newly aware of its cage.
All have been orchestrated to make the viewer newly aware of the human appetite for images, while also laying bare any image's essential fiction.
One is newly aware of the parallels between Prospero's magic and that of the production itself.
Instead of seeking to contain its spending, the superintendent and school board bemoan the fact that they can no longer control a newly aware electorate.
Uhura couldn't answer, newly aware of the raw ache in her throat.
The hurt was worse this time, but some newly aware part of her relished that hurt.
He was newly aware of the arbitrariness of life, and it led him to control things, in a way that hadn't been true before.
Profound social, demographic and political consequences took decades to work their way through a Canadian nation newly aware of its sacrifice and strength.
Such abstinence allowed you to become newly aware of how completely Rodgers's music can both set a stage and paint a character.
Some residents, newly aware of the landmark in their backyards, began to question whether the country club should exist at all.