The heat of the newly deposited volcanic pile tends to cause the semi-molten material to flatten out as they become welded.
When wave energies decrease post storm events, the sediments from these newly deposited near shore bars are returned to the upper beach, rebuilding the berm.
Storms can destroy them overnight, but newly deposited sand quickly rebuilds them under natural circumstances.
Compactions - process by which a newly deposited sediment progressively loses its original water content due to the effects of loading, this forms part of the process of lithification.
Subsequently, the female covers the newly deposited zygotes, again with thrusts of her tail, against the gravel at the top of the redd.
As Josh slipped and grasped his way up the newly deposited pile of gravel, he needed an occasional boost by the pants to reach the summit.
After you go to the bathroom, you wash your hands to get the newly deposited pathogens off, but most of the normal bacteria stays on.
Fibronectin was also observed to be closely associated with the newly deposited collagen fibrils.
He took dead aim at the slimy wormlike creatures wriggling behind his newly deposited pile of crates.
It grows in bare, disturbed areas that are mostly cleared of other vegetation, such as newly deposited shorelines or recently disturbed terrain dug out by muskrats.