Dominican food and other cultural practices like speaking Spanish help newly immigrated Dominicans situate themselves in the racial hierarchy of the United States.
Sabrina's charge is Dreama, a witch newly immigrated from the Other Realm.
The students range from newly immigrated working adults to senior citizens.
Most of these newly immigrated Austrians were cosmopolitan and followed a left-wing ideology.
These friendships are sometimes formed between sexually receptive females and newly immigrated males.
Peterstown was once predominantly occupied by newly immigrated Italians and their descendants, but is less so today.
The Franks get the help of the newly immigrated Saxons who are looking for land, and a bloody battle is fought at Scithingi.
In the early part of the twentieth century, the Lower East Side was home to millions of newly immigrated families.
The practice has now largely fallen back into the newly immigrated Hispanic communities.
The ancient province of Gunma was a center of the horsebreeding and trading activities for the newly immigrated continental peoples.