Newly polished, both scores reveal Loesser's brilliance for writing theater songs that combine powerful melodies with lyrics that have the volubility of spontaneous conversation.
He kept the Steel Commander always in prominent view, its thick silvery shaft and mighty headball newly polished and shimmering in the sun.
The plate mail looked newly polished.
The stars looked small and high and newly polished.
Only half as tall as the big beetlelike robot, the compy stood newly polished and cleaned, his voice modulated to a new depth.
Its fat brass water jacket must have been newly polished, forit gleamed brighter than the bayonets.
Niall had expected it to be greasy; to his surprise, it was as clear as if it had been newly polished.
Everything sparkled as if it had been newly polished overnight.
Pillars emblazoned with Atreides hawk crests sparkled with emblems that had been newly polished and painted for the event.
Proudly, he wore Ginaz khakis and a red bandanna; the Old Duke's sword hung smartly at his side, a bit more battered but newly polished and sharpened.