Even before the flood, public resentment was building against the newly rich industrialists.
Besides, everyone who knew them says they were madly in love, newly rich, and looking forward to starting a family.
An experienced Manhattan butler says that working for the newly rich is almost always annoying.
A society of newly rich began looking to buy something that was respectable, expensive and old.
As the newly rich traveled abroad and saw swimming pools, they came to want their own.
Competition dressage was for other people - the newly rich and their daughters.
And the resentment by the poor of the newly rich, who are hiring others?
Many of these houses were built in the late 19th or early 20th centuries as single-family homes for the city's newly rich.
Farmers and oil barons were among the newly rich of the 1970's.
They are the most sought-after homes of Bangkok's newly rich.