In summer heat and drought, keep newly seeded beds of perennials and fall crops moist by covering with a piece of burlap and sprinkling it frequently.
Dog walkers break down fences put up to protect newly seeded lawns.
We have cleaned up litter, filled in holes dug by dogs, started gardening projects and maintained fencing around newly seeded areas.
Water newly seeded areas, if rain has been scant.
Keep newly seeded or sodded lawns moist to hasten germination; or if the new growth is at least three-inches tall, set mowers to cut at two inches.
The state also extended the period that newly seeded or sodded lawns can be watered - to 30 days from 20 days - but only for lawns that have been put in by a professional contractor.
Many newly seeded funds are required to meet performance benchmarks.
He is driving just past his farm now, along broad, level fields newly seeded with spring wheat, the earth still black with an occasional hint of light-green fuzz.
However, newly seeded lawns and certain cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass are particularly susceptible.
Keep watering newly seeded areas, if it hasn't rained.