Daisy would so like to have got tarted up, but at least her hair was newly washed that morning and her teeth were clean.
The boy lay down, his newly washed white hair spreading out on the concrete like spilled foam.
In the light of the oil-lamps the lord's red hair gleamed, newly washed and coppery.
The hair, in contrast to the once-white gown, seemed fine and clean, as if newly washed.
The night was cool and newly washed with rain.
I could see their hands and newly washed, wavy hair in the light from the door.
On the morning of which I speak the wind had abated, and all Nature was newly washed and fresh.
Twelve newly washed and brushed children turned up for school in the morning.
His fluffy hair was newly washed and standing out like a halo.
The thunderstorm had cleared away and left the world looking clean and newly washed.