This newly-elected Parliament was entrusted to formulate a new constitution.
As a transitional constitution it required the newly-elected Parliament to also serve as a constituent assembly to adopt a final constitution.
Section 5 provided that if the monarch died after the date of the election, then the newly-elected Parliament would meet as normal.
The newly-elected Parliament met for the first time on 21 November 1907.
The challenge which faced the newly-elected Parliament and the Commission in 1999 was to change this attitude.
Mr President, it is a good thing that this newly-elected Parliament should discuss renewable energies, something we have not done since the election.
Yesterday, the newly-elected Parliament - and according to all observers the elections to the Parliament were pretty honest - elected a new speaker.
It will be the newly-elected Parliament that will have to do the actual negotiating with regard to the budget.
If it is postponed, the matter will be left over to a newly-elected Parliament which will be relatively unfamiliar with the subject.
The resulting proposal for the whole College will then be presented to the newly-elected Parliament as soon as it assembles.