It also appears that we will have to put up with your persistent between program advertisements and overblown news presentations.
The tone and style of the news presentation is in keeping with the station's overall target audience - young and predominantly urban.
To help alert readers to an ad that looks too much like a news presentation, for instance, the word "Advertisement" must run at the top.
The service, fronted by Kirsty Young, won awards for its new informal style of news presentation and reporting which were quickly copied by rivals.
In fall of 2005, the news presentations received extensive reforms under the management of news director Kunal Patel.
Your information streaming-versus-quantity stance is also summed up nicely in this article about online news presentation.
A large part of the comedy came from observations about the nature of news presentation rather than the stories themselves.
Many Urdu News Channels employed this technology to bring about quality improvement in news presentation.
The Guardian has an obvious far far left agenda and adjusts its 'news' presentation to 'fit' that agenda.
She adds some elements of fun in her news presentations which makes it interesting.