The news had put the Führer into one of his expansive moods.
I just mean the news doesn't actually put photographers in with units that are this elite.
The news could put pressure on the company's share price, which closed down 85 cents Tuesday, at $16.15.
Benign news on last month's inflation rate put traders in a buying mood.
This good news puts the Fed in a policy predicament.
Maybe the news of the disturbances in South Central had put some people off coming.
Got some news should put a glow back in your cheeks.
The news put me in mind of other blunt attempts to protect the Stalin brand.
Although reluctant to some extent at first, Robert ultimately decides to adopt, thinking about the serious impact the news could put on his wife.
They were not good for a long walk, however much the news had put the strength of fright into them.