All the major newspapers headlined the two cases, saying the murder and the baby's death were related.
"The newspapers have been headlining Hitler's march into Vienna-last spring, correct?"
Next morning's newspapers headlined the story of Boston College's victory.
Thursday's newspapers headlined a June trade surplus of $1.6 billion - the highest monthly level in two years.
The local newspaper headlined the story with "The world has been robbed of a daring personality".
The next morning the newspapers headlined what I thought was a completely different 'anti-Europe' speech.
Within months, newspapers were headlining allegations of dubious deals.
Official newspapers headlined the announcement that Iraq had ordered its troops to withdraw.
One newspaper even headlined their report of Banti's death by saying Addio, Artemisia.
When he called off his fast a week later, a pro-government newspaper headlined its story 'Maquio ends his diet'.