The union of newspaper printers warned the newspaper owners in Barcelona that they would not print anything critical of the strikers.
Back home, from a church in Hell's Kitchen, just off the theater district, he ministered day and night to stage hands and factory workers, to actors and newspaper printers.
"The Feminine Mystique" had the misfortune to appear during a newspaper printers' strike.
James Harrison (17 April 1816 - 3 September 1893) was a Scottish born Australian newspaper printer, journalist, politician, and pioneer in the field of mechanical refrigeration.
October 26 - John Peter Zenger, newspaper printer (d. 1746)
The Mergenthaler Linotype machine was used by newspaper printers from the 1880s to the 1970s.
Is that irony or did you think nothing of putting the newspaper printers out of business?
For generations, fathers have folded newspaper pages into play hats for children, while newspaper printers did the same to keep the ink out of their hair.
He moved in temporarily with his father, a newspaper printer, who had also been recently widowed.
Ann Smith Franklin (October 2, 1696 - April 16, 1763) was an American colonial newspaper printer and publisher.