"It seemed like a nice option to have for those of us who don't want to fight the crowds in the workout room," he said.
These are all nice options and a good way to get people engaged with the game, but it doesn't feel shoved down your throat.
As nice as is to have a variety of streaming options, I prefer to own my music.
Watch it with no expectations and if you're ready to think unconventional, this film could be a nice option.
A nice option following lunch and a longer tour in the morning.
In short, a fairly nice option, if you don't think too much!
Its remote control slips into a slot on top of the radio for storage, a nice option found in no other receiver.
On demand is a nice option to have but is still quite limited.
A touchscreen navigation system with voice recognition is a nice option not often offered in this class.
"We have a lot of nice options to choose from."