In many ways, the two missions nicely complement each other.
It is ready to drink now and will nicely complement any traditional Thanksgiving meal.
But a couple of appetizers can nicely complement a meal, no matter when they arrive.
Life is sweet as their promising careers now seem to be nicely complemented by domestic stability.
The other two dishes here fall somewhere in between; in both, the added flavors nicely complement those of the bird.
It involved the Vulcan twins, whose sallow skin nicely complemented her red hair.
To help investors round out their holdings, we have developed a variety of new index funds that nicely complement the old standbys.
The diverse, thoughtful selections, which include 80 cabernet sauvignons, nicely complement the food.
The noodles are nicely complemented by a tangerine salad.
By the 1990s, the area was occupied by juniper plants, which nicely complemented the ivy.