For that matter, just about every house in the Burg is nicely maintained.
The college has a very good hostel and it is maintained nicely.
It was nicely maintained, a solid piece of work.
The house at 93 Carthage had generally been occupied since she moved out, and its yard and beautiful azaleas had been nicely maintained.
Some were nicely maintained.
A good strong cell in a nicely maintained dungeon with some helpful but unsympathetic guards for discretionary discipline should do the trick.
This is the prettiest Roman site, built of rich golden-hued stone and nicely maintained with flower beds.
Some of the small three-story houses are nicely maintained.
The trail is nicely maintained, with well-constructed and attractive wooden bridges and boardwalks over swampy areas.
And, of course, the turnpike and the Boston Post Road going east and west are nicely maintained by the state.