The Freestyle is priced attractively and packaged nicely, and it comes from good stock.
As long as they get a nicely packaged pod they don't have to think too hard about what's in it.
It could be a mess or it could be packaged nicely in an easily consumable way.
Besides keeping us nicely packaged, skin performs a host of important functions that are crucial for overall bodily health.
And don't despair if the parking lot is crowded - many customers are here for the nicely packaged carry-out service.
It wasn't nicely packaged though - you had to install from source.
We refuse to allow our identities to be cut, cleaned, packaged nicely, and sold back to us.
Bath products are a nicely packaged house brand.
George Soros, a financier and philanthropist, belittled the administration's first proposal, saying it was "nicely packaged with too little in the package."
Lots of machines have been nicely packaged for the market, but there are no bargains to be had.