In addition to microbrews, some enterprises have introduced niche brands based more on name or marketing, rather than on brewing style.
For niche brands - whether building or protecting - the conventional advertising model is flawed, expensive and doesn't work.
A. I had a vision of wanting to buy companies with niche brands and niche categories.
Such merchandising sales may be the clearest example of the way a station can create a niche brand, and then capitalize on its cachet.
Over the years, he has been something of a corporate collector, assembling niche brands with high visibility but slow growth.
The upside is that the start-ups have been a boon for niche brands, which get limited shelf space in department or specialty stores.
I don't want Dior to rest as a niche brand.
There are also tiny niche brands, like Tom's of Maine, Inc.
In this environment, there are far more sellers of niche brands than buyers.
Given its diverse portfolio, Vedior operates under a number of separate niche brands.