Meals are included, and there will be snowshoeing, a night hike and a campfire.
The night hike to the Mountain House, though, was something he invented, beginning with the first Fox Lane class field trip in 1986.
Novelist Jojo Moyes explains why she joined 1,500 people for a night hike through London.
The main organized activity, aside from sleeping under the stars - which was pretty much negated by ambient light - was a night hike.
Your best shot to see any wildlife is to get here when the park opens or take a night hike.
The museum staff has arranged a number of diversions, including nature walks, a star watch, a night hike and a campfire songfest.
'Jim and I used to go on night hikes together.'
Its conservation center offers programs of night hikes and astronomy viewing parties from time to time.
We went out on a night hike with our guide, Nicol, who had brought a tent and five days' provisions for us from the main island.
The activities include such things as rock climbing, river walking, campfires, playing under waterfalls and night hikes under the stars.