Morden spends the rest of the night reading a newspaper.
A bright girl with a flair for art, writing and numbers, Wendy stays up late most nights, reading books.
And he's not going to be staying up all night reading a complex book, though he definitely reads.
I don't know, but I'm going to find out even if it means sitting up all night reading that bloody book.
We would stay up all night reading to each other, in that excited way when you're just starting out.
Klaus spent the entire night reading about how they could stop Count Olaf's plan to get their money.
When he began foraging in Denmark, he stayed up nights reading.
"No reason for Havemeyer to sit up all night reading them, is there?"
What would happen when all of this was over and he no longer spent entire days at the piano, his nights reading over music?
He would often sleep at the library after spending the night reading countless literature.