Louis's grand-daughter has less than fond memories of night-time visits.
From Monday to Saturday in July and August, there are illuminated nocturnes (night-time visits) with music from 7pm to 10pm.
They nest in burrows and often give eerie contact calls on their night-time visits.
He also opened many historic sites to night-time visits.
A shopper decides to make a night-time visit to the 24-hour supermarket, which is 8 km away.
He did, however, pay regular night-time visits to research establishments and the night defences around London when night raids started in earnest in September 1940.
Danny Glick later pays a night-time visit to one of his schoolmates, Mark Petrie.
Students in the know recommend Sakura, Kind and Revolution as places worthy of night-time visits.
The night-time visits stopped abruptly-and in the classroom, that student stared silently at the floor for the rest of the year.
Other sources indicated that the priest had been intercepted during a night-time visit to the premises.