The nightly dose of farmer cheese was supposed to make you grow tall and strong.
How easy to wait until Garwood had left to take his nightly dose, then to replace the ordinary medicine on the shelf where it belonged!
One was Elavil, an antidepressant that had been prescribed for her years before in a small nightly dose to induce sounder sleep.
And there was no sleeping without a nightly dose of Ambien.
Realization sets in, and Harry races home to stop his wife from taking her nightly dose of medication.
I couldn't help but rejoice, anticipating the use of NyQuil in fully authorized nightly doses.
"He made it clear that she did sometimes got confused after comtaking her nightly dose and ask for another."
"You'll get no sense from him until he's had his nightly dose of Richard."
Nepenthe by the nightly dose, he thought.
The doctor was portrayed by prosecutors as a reckless incompetent who gave nightly doses of propofol to Jackson for two months without proper safety equipment.