The attackers' nightly raids and infiltration tactics became more frequent.
In large urban areas, paramilitary units now do everything from routine street patrols to nightly raids of houses.
After nightly raids, the monasteries are "totally empty," and he fears the worst for the detainees.
She says there are nightly raids by Misrata militiamen on the camp, to take away young men.
The nightly hit-and-run raids are coming to be reported like box scores on the sports page.
Nor would they discuss the specific aircraft flown on the nightly raids.
Many more lost all they had as their homes were entered in violent, nightly raids by the military.
Food was collected during nightly raids on Dumpsters outside restaurants.
The people constantly engaged in nightly raids and were harried by English garrisons.
Rowe was exhausted and frightened; he had made tracks half across London while the nightly raid got under way.