They'd been there before once or twice in their nightly rounds of pleasure, and not finding it very entertaining, soon left again.
Also, some nighttime disturbances of the peace were not coming to his attention as he did his nightly rounds.
She counted the minutes until her father left on his usual nightly rounds.
That was, he supposed, some animal or perhaps several, moving about on their nightly rounds.
James had made his nightly round of the deck, but he repeated it.
The next scene occurs in Seville, where the king has just returned from making his nightly incognito rounds through the city.
Hammer has only three bullets left, but they hear the police helicopter from above, as it passes by on its nightly rounds.
It was time to make the nightly rounds.
As a result, the teams have found fewer of the clubs open when they conduct their nightly rounds, police and administration officials said.
Then the weather improved and the nightly round of nine patrols was resumed.