He touched down on nimble feet as the soarwagon again hovered just overhead.
He is 42 this season and still provides a wonderful arm, nimble feet, strong decision-making and leadership at quarterback.
She tried to run, but in her state of exhaustion she was no match for their nimble feet.
I didn't stop until reaching the lobby stairs, when Upshaw's usually nimble feet went clumsy.
A fencer such as yourself must have nimble feet.
The players will land on their nimble feet, but only a fool would believe they are not thinking about it.
Still, May has quick hands and nimble size-20 feet.
A career of nimble feet was about to descend into one of dishpan hands.
One or two started directly up the slope, attempting to cut the corner, but the hillside proved too sheer for even their nimble feet.
He has the potential, with his combination of size, nimble feet and gripping hands, to be a Pro Bowl player.