Mr. Goldberg continues his lecture, speaking with a nimble wit that seeks to nurse humor from language whenever possible.
To challenge those nimble wits, Barron presents Jane with a puzzle that is merely serviceable, but with a grand assortment of characters to study and probe.
You haue a nimble wit; I thinke 'twas made of Attalanta's heeles.
Outspoken and with a nimble wit, she was often instrumental behind the scenes.
He had a nimbler wit, a better sense of proportion, and a more open mind, than his twelve-year-older partner.
Harriet puts her nimble wits (and a younger partner) to the task and promptly retrieves Kate's husband from his abductors.
Bovai knew that Morvai had abilities he lacked: a quickness of mind and a nimble wit.
His nimble wit, they say, often gets away from him.
Nimble fingers and nimble wits will take you a good deal further than a sword and muscles.
You have a nimble wit; I think 'twas made of Atalanta's heels.