Local 574 struck again in 1934, leading to several riots over a nine-day period in May.
The trail may have been boggy at places, but the region was then in the third day of a nine-day period without rain.
For the 30-year period, the average daily difference between high and low temperatures of the nine-day period showed an overall decrease.
In the nine-day period that includes two travel days, each can pitch at least twice, and one of them three times.
On 12 February, the destroyer entered dry-dock for a nine-day period.
Only then did Kostelic begin the road back that has led to four Olympic medals in a nine-day period.
They can be run over one or two rounds and within a nine-day period.
The book was written in 1967, mostly over a nine-day period, and first published in 1970.
An 11-year-old pitcher this year, Faust noted, could still throw 85 pitches three times in a nine-day period.
The format has usually been a Swiss system with nine or ten rounds, usually over a nine-day period.